Care Call

Enter the world of care call systems, where communication between residents, caregivers and nursing is seamless. With us you will find a range of solutions, from small to large, designed to optimize your healthcare institution.
Our approach starts with in-depth research and extensive testing to determine which aspects of your current system can be retained. We offer a range of calling options, ranging from traditional push buttons on beds and pull cords in washrooms to fixed necklace and wrist transmitters, and even app integration for smartphones and smartwatches. With the latest technologies, we can even offer accurate localisation, allowing residents to experience more freedom without sacrificing safety.

Personal alert for aggression

The person in need activates an alarm and everyone is immediately informed about how, where
and when an emergency call was launched. The first responders confirm the alarm, so that the person in need receives a confirmation. This lets him know that his distress call has been accepted and help is on the way. Discreet communication is extremely important in an aggressive situation.

Personal security during home visits

Aggression during home visits is a serious problem for general practitioners and other healthcare providers. Incidents can range from verbal harassment to physical attacks, jeopardizing the safety of caregivers and the quality of care. To address these troubling issues, we offer a specific solution. Healthcare providers can use a smartphone with an app that allows them to activate a personal alarm. Discover how we can noticeably increase the safety of your healthcare staff during home visits!

Patient monitoring

Discover how our advanced care call systems integrate seamlessly into the patient care journey, from diagnosis to treatment and aftercare. In a world where digital innovation has become the norm, hospitals collect a wealth of information from diverse sources, ranging from software programs to biomedical devices. But ensuring the quality and confidentiality of this data remains a challenge, especially when the information must be easy to share. Our solutions can be the connecting link between more than 250 different biomedical devices, including syringe pumps, ECGs and monitors. With our smart connections, medical information is recorded directly and accurately in the patient file, saving valuable time for both healthcare providers and patients.

Outstanding task list

Simple care calls are often sent directly to an app. These calls appear as notifications that follow one another: the first call from a room, any repeats, and finally the notification that the call has been answered. However, this process can become confusing when things are very busy, as all notifications can be mixed up, even if they are split by department. This means there is a risk that some calls will not be handled correctly.

Asset management

Learn how our advanced equipment management systems take hospital efficiency to the next level, while cutting costs and maximizing care improvement. Through an intuitive web interface, staff always have a complete overview of the location and availability of each item, while a handy app allows them to identify equipment and update its status, such as in use, cleaned or maintenance required. This not only ensures a shorter search time. It also offers the maintenance service a better overview. This increases the effective capacity of beds and reduces waiting times due to unavailability of equipment.